Reasons I Love You – Let Me Count the 100 Ways (2024)

Reasons I Love You – Let Me Count the 100 Ways (1)

As I’m feeling isolated and disconnected from the world at large (largely due to the Coronavirus), I thought it would be beneficial to remember I’m not alone — to think about the people I love, and the reasons I love them.

There are countless reasons for my devotion. But for purposes of valuing your time, I’m only going to enumerate 100.

When I’m under stress, I fall back on gratitude. And there’s no bigger blessing than to have loved ones in your life — those who are here now, and those dearly departed.

I’m dedicating this particular “I love you” list to my wife — my partner for the last 3 decades. We met in high school, married, and are raising two beautiful kids together.

I fall back on this list during moments of fear and depression, and even when we get into an argument. My anger and disillusionment soon fade when I reread this 100 reasons why I love you list.

I hope this love list helps you to observe the wonderful qualities in your loved ones, and reminds you to take notice of their specialness.

Contents hide

1You’re Amazing – The Reasons I Love You (The List is not 100, but Infinite)

2Here are Even More Reasons Why I Love You and Why You Can’t be Replaced

2.1What Happens if Your Relationship is on the Rocks and Your Reasons to Love You List is not a Long One?


You’re Amazing – The Reasons I Love You (The List is not 100, but Infinite)

  1. I love you for all the ways you make me feel safe and secure.
  2. You have an uncanny ability to make me laugh, even during tough times.
  3. I love you for the cute things you do without even trying.
  4. I marvel at how forgiving you are, and that you can usually see the best in everyone.
  5. l’m drawn to your great sense of compassion and sensitivity toward others.
  6. Your lack of judgement endears me as you always see the best in me and others.
  7. I love that no matter how bad a day is going, a smile from you can change it instantly.
  8. I’m magnetically drawn to your beautiful eyes, so expressive and loving.
  9. You are my best friend, my confidant, my lover, my inspiration.
  10. When I think of your smile I can’t help but smile myself.
  11. When I hear your voice I feel home.
  12. You make me feel like I can conquer anything in the world when we’re together.
  13. I love how you always work on our relationship, thinking of ways to strengthen our bond and trust with each passing day.
  14. I love your hugs and kisses, gratuitiously offered and tenderly provided.
  15. I’m drawn to your sense of humor, your confidence, your dreamer side, all the qualities that make you lovable YOU!
  16. . I love when we talk on the phone, reading your texts and email messages.
  17. I love how you tickle me, creating joy at any moment.
  18. I am indebted for the joy and love you’ve brought into my life.
  19. You are strong, kind, thoughtful, generous, caring and loving.
  20. The way you smell, its like you were dipped in chocolate, rolled in strawberries and sprinkled with sugar!!

Reasons I Love You – Let Me Count the 100 Ways (2)

  1. I love how you hold my hand when we go for a walk.
  2. You bring meaning and purpose to my life.
  3. I love you because of how you take care of me when I’m sick.
  4. I love you because we’re always in sync no matter how much we’re apart.
  5. I can always depend on you, especially during times of crises.
  6. I’m so attracted to your honesty, sincerity, and values.
  7. I love you because of the way you are determined to reach your goals.
  8. I love you because of your incessant commitment to helping me attain my goals.
  9. i admire your passion and creativity.
  10. I love you because of how you spoil me with your thoughtfulness.
  11. You’re beautiful in mind, body, and spirit.
  12. You’re deeply committed to those entrusted in your care.
  13. I love you because of how understanding and helpful you are.
  14. You make me feel special everyday, reminding me of my intrinsic worth when I lose faith in myself.
  15. I love you because of your laid-back attitude with every situation
  16. You provide a working model for never taking anything for granted.
  17. I love you because of the way you awaken my better side.
  18. I love you because of the beautiful memories we share.
  19. Your unique style takes my breath away.
  20. Your mesmorizing singing voice captivates me, and has an instant relaxing effect on me.

Reasons I Love You – Let Me Count the 100 Ways (3)

  1. I’m grateful for your willingness to see other points of view, especially mine.
  2. I love you because you never waver hesitate to admit you’re wrong (although you’re hardly ever wrong).
  3. I love your warmth and intimacy, and those hour-long cuddles.
  4. I relish how you lovingly stare at me.
  5. I love you because of the secrets we share.
  6. I love you because of your brilliance and passion, and incessant desire to learn.
  7. Your romantic inclinations always capture my attention.
  8. I love you because of all our playful moments.
  9. You made my world a beautiful place to live in.
  10. I love you because of how you handle situations independently.

Here are Even More Reasons Why I Love You and Why You Can’t be Replaced

  1. I love you because of how easily you forgive and forget.
  2. Your strong presence calms me down.
  3. You’re always so quick to make sacrifices, caring about others before yourself.
  4. Love is kindled or fanned into a flame by you noticing all the things that are right in our relationship, instead of dewelling on what may be lacking (which isn’t much).
  5. You’re optimism and positivity are contagious.
  6. I I love you because of how it feels like when your arms are wrapped around me or when your head rests on my chest.
  7. I cherish that you’re so concerned about my wellbeing.
  8. I love you because of your funny sense of humor and infectious laugh.
  9. I’m forever devoted to you for bringing out the best in me.
  10. I love you for the way you help kickstart my day, with a fresh cup of coffee and a sweet smile on your face.

Reasons I Love You – Let Me Count the 100 Ways (4)

  1. I love you because of your courage to chase after what matters.
  2. Here’s another reason I love you: You make all my sadness bearable
  3. I love you because of the way you surprise me with little gifts and notes.
  4. You always support my decisions, even if you have doubts about them.
  5. You’re my biggest advocate and cheerleader.
  6. I love you because of the way you never hesitate to help a stranger in need.
  7. I can always rely on you, even when you’re overwhelmed.
  8. I love you because of your spontaneity and sense of adventure.
  9. Your small flaws are even endearing.
  10. Your honesty, morality, and ethics are a great example for the family.
  11. I love you because of those times we turn off our brains and act with silly and carefree childishness.
  12. I love you because of how much you value family time.
  13. We share unconditional love and the strongest bond imaginable.
  14. Your angelic voice soothes me in my darkest moments.
  15. I love you because of the deep conversations we have together.
  16. You always go the extra mile to make things work out.
  17. I love you because of the way you treasure every moment with me.
  18. I’m crazy about how you look past superficialities.
  19. I love you because of your beautiful heart.
  20. I love you for how our relationship seems effortless.

Reasons I Love You – Let Me Count the 100 Ways (5)

  1. I love the way our bodies fit together, like pieces of a puzzle.
  2. I’m addicted to your nonsensical jokes.
  3. I have such strong feelings for you when you make each day a complete, happy surprise.
  4. You’re my number one reason for smiles, tears, worry, and happiness, and love the total life we share.
  5. I love how you cry during a heartfelt movie, exemplifying your loving, tender heart.
  6. You’re a wonderful cook, dishing out love with every meal you prepare.
  7. I’m touched by your gritty determination and perseverance, and never give up attitude.
  8. I cherish your random acts of kindenss.
  9. I’m head over heels for you because of your devout spirit and love of God.
  10. I love you because if we put our hearts and minds together, we can accomplish great things together.
  11. I love you because of how you make my troubles your own.
  12. You work so hard for the family, ensuring that all our needs are met.
  13. Your mind, body, and soul just turns me on and I see beauty in all that you do and all that you are.
  14. I love you because of the intensity with which you kiss me and the soft tenderness of your touch.
  15. You make my life worth living as you’re part of my “Why?”
  16. I love you because of your humilitiy and humbleness.
  17. I love you because of your realization that our time together is precious.
  18. I’m devoted to you because of your love, care, and thoughtfulness.
  19. I love you because of your wonderful version of romance.
  20. Our bond is forever sealed because our love is unconditional.

What Happens if Your Relationship is on the Rocks and Your Reasons to Love You List is not a Long One?

Reasons I Love You – Let Me Count the 100 Ways (6)

Having a long-term relationship should be an exciting adventure, not just an obligation to fulfill.

Sometimes your love life needs help to stop it from fading away. Here are five ideas to help you rekindle the fire of passion in your relationship:

a) Any intense interaction with another person is a dance of polarities, and at some level, you’re on opposite sides of a magnetic field. In a positive relationship, this means attracting the best aspects of the other person’s personality.

Take advantage of this fact by making sure to interact with your partner in ways that do not reinforce each other’s weaknesses. This will help you build up your complementary strengths, rather than getting caught up in your partner’s weaknesses and imperfections.

b) If you’ve fallen into a rut, take a step back and think about what your partner needs from you. Put yourself in your partner’s shoes and think about how they wish to be treated.

Don’t forget to show effort.

c) A healthy relationship requires communication and compromise, not to mention a mutual respect for each other. When you start to feel as if your relationship has become stagnant, take the time to talk with your partner about your feelings.

If they are willing, try scheduling regular date nights or communicating by phone or text more often.

Remember the little things that used to make you smile? Well, now is the time to continue doing them because relationships require work and effort on both parts in order for them to succeed.

d) The key to maintaining a healthy relationship is to keep an open mind and heart. This means being willing to compromise on certain issues, while definitely standing up for what you believe in, but in a calm, respectful way.

It also means being forgiving.

e) When you’re in a relationship, words are important, but it’s also important to remember that actions speak just as loud. The way you treat your partner both verbally and nonverbally will affect your relationship.

Nonverbal communication can be just as important as verbal communication when it comes to relationships. Nonverbal language includes body language, facial expressions, touch, eye contact and anything else you communicate without using words.

When you pay attention to how your partner is communicating with you nonverbally, you’ll be able to know how he or she feels about what’s going on in the relationship without having to ask questions.

This is just a sampling of ideas on how to expand your “reasons to love” list.

A free PDF guide is accessible below that provides a fantastic slate of ideas to put the spark back in any relationship. Just click the link below and you’ll have access to the Marriage Repair Handbook, free of charge.

Remember, relationships are a lot like plants. They both need maintenance and work to grow and flourish. When they aren’t cared for, they can wither and die.

Even with the most committed partners, relationships can become strained and grow cold over time, if you don’t keep up with efforts to nurture them.

Here’s hoping that your relationship evolves, grows, and prospers over time.

May your I love you list expand exponentially!


Reasons I Love You – Let Me Count the 100 Ways (7)

Brad Browning is an internationally acclaimed relationship expert, best selling author, and prominent speaker. In this free guide, he helps married couples strengthen and restore their relationships in practical and effective ways. By teaching how to manage triggers in order to avoid or de-escalate interpersonal conflicts, he offers tips and strategies that foster cooperation in all areas of a relationship. His strategies can be applied in any type of relationship, and are not just suitable for married couples.

Reasons I Love You – Let Me Count the 100 Ways (2024)


How do I love thee let me count the ways 1 Which rhetorical device is this an example of? ›

Let me count the ways. The speaker begins with a rhetorical question, or aporia: "How do I love thee?" Her use of the pronoun "thee" (an old-fashioned form of the second-person pronoun "you") immediately positions the poem as an apostrophe, or direct address, from the speaker to her beloved.

How do I love him let me count the ways? ›

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. I love thee to the depth and breadth and height My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight For the ends of being and ideal grace. I love thee to the level of every day's Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light.

Who came up with the quote How do I love thee let me count the ways? ›

by Elizabeth Barrett Browning

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. For the ends of being and ideal grace. Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light.

How do I love thee let me count the ways analysis? ›

The theme of Barrett Browning's poem is that true love is an all-consuming passion. The quality of true love the poet especially stresses is its spiritual nature. True love is an article of faith. References to “soul,” “grace,” “praise,” “faith,” “saints,” and “God” help create this impression.

What is the message of the poem "How do I love thee"? ›

The meaning of "How Do I Love Thee" is that the speaker's love is so deep and true that it will continue after death. The speaker opens the sonnet with the question of how the speaker loves the love interest, the listener, and then proceeds to answer by describing the speaker's love.

How Do I Love Thee short summary? ›

In the poem, the speaker is proclaiming her unending passion for her beloved. She tells her lover just how deeply her love goes, and she also tells him how she loves him. She loves him with all of her beings, and she hopes God will grant her the ability to love him even after she has passed.

How many ways can you love someone? ›

We all give and receive love in 5 different ways: words of affirmation, acts of service, receiving gifts, quality time, and physical touch. These are called 'love languages' - a concept created by Dr. Gary Chapman through his long-time work as a marriage counsellor.

How do you say "I love you" in poetic way? ›

Romantic Ways To Say I Love You
  1. "I'm in love with you."
  2. "You're safe with me."
  3. "I love you to the moon and back."
  4. Surprise them with a bouquet of flowers.
  5. "You make my heart skip a beat."
  6. Write them a love letter.
  7. "You have bewitched me, body and soul." — Pride and Prejudice.
  8. "You're the love of my life."
Aug 31, 2023

How Do I Love Thee date? ›

'Sonnet 43', better known as 'How Do I Love Thee?' , is a classic romantic poem by Elizabeth Barrett Browning, and one of her most recognized poems. It was written circa 1845–1846, and first published within Barrett's collection of 44 love poems titled 'Sonnets from the Portuguese' (1850).

How Do I Love Thee structure? ›

Written as a sonnet, the verse is similar to neither Italian sonnets nor English ones. Unlike both chief types of sonnet form, How do I Love Thee? is composed of two quatrains and one sestet, rhyming in abba abba ababab. Each line of the sonnet, of which metri- cal foot is iambic pentameter, is isochronous.

How Do I Love Thee analysis questions? ›

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. (Sonnet 43) Questions
  • How would the poem be different if the opening line was "Why do I love thee?"
  • How many ways of loving does the speaker identify? ...
  • Why do you think "How do I love thee?" is such a popular love poem?

What is the message of the sonnet answer? ›

As a unit of writing, the sonnet has an organic beauty that depends on the balance of symmetrical and asymmetrical form and melody. And historically, sonnets have contained strong themes of love. As a result, Shakespeare uses the sonnet form to highlight his message about his beloved and their magnificent appearance.

How Do I Love Thee short summary sparknotes? ›

“How Do I Love Thee?” is the second-to-last sonnet to appear in Elizabeth Barrett Browning's famous sequence of love poems from 1850, Sonnets from the Portuguese. Browning composed this sequence of forty-four sonnets to memorialize her love for her husband, the fellow poet Robert Browning.

What literary device is used in How Do I Love Thee? ›

Enjambment. The term enjambment (en-JAM-ment) refers to the technique in which one poetic line flows continuously to the next without stopping. Browning uses enjambment frequently in this Petrarchan sonnet, and particularly in the octave that constitutes its first formal section (lines 1–8): How do I love thee?

Is "How do I love thee" a rhetorical question? ›

In the first part of the line, the speaker poses a rhetorical question: “How do I love thee?” Usually, rhetorical questions serve a dramatic effect and hence aren't meant to be answered. Here, however, the speaker actually goes on to answer their question.

Which one is an example of a rhetorical device? ›

The most famous examples are alliteration, assonance and puns. Order-related rhetorical devices: these devices modify the normal order of words within a phrase or sentence. The most well-known examples are anaphoras, anastrophes, asyndeton, chiasmus, omissions, hyperbaton and polysyndeton.

What are the rhetorical devices in sonnet 12? ›

It's a classic Shakespearean sonnet that makes use of metaphor, alliteration, and personification. This is really a classic that can transcend time, it applies in any era that humans are living in.


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