120 Good Night Prayer Messages, Blessings and Wishes for Loved Ones - plumcious (2024)

After the busy activities of the day, the night time is the period to withdraw from these activities and resort to bed, rest your head, relax your mind, and relieve your nerves to get yourself refreshed and your strength renewed for a new day. This feeling is sweet, calming, and refreshing.

However, as you withdraw from the day’s activities and stresses, and resort to bed, you also get separated from your loved ones as you sleep, this is because we can not take our loved ones along on our sleep journey, no matter how close we are, even if we slept in each other’s arms, you are still alone in your sleep. Trust me, this feeling of being apart from someone we love could be sad, but hey, the good news is that, Good Night Prayer Messages could be of great help.

Now, are you wondering why good night prayer quotes are so important? Well, let me remind you that there is a part of you that has the ability to accompany your loved ones to dreamland? and that is the thought of you in their hearts.

Fortunately, one of the ways to make your thought linger in their hearts is by registering your presence in their hearts before going to bed, and interestingly, this could be achieved by sharing with them latest good night messages from this list of 120 powerful Good Night Prayer Messages.

Sharing these sweet prayers with your loved ones will not only show that you care about them, and make them feel loved, but it will also bring smiles to their faces, make you be the last person they think about through the night, even dream about in their sleep, wake up with a smile on their faces and the thought of you on their minds. Sweet, right?

Now, let’s check them out!


  1. Sweet Good Night Message to My Sweetheart
  2. Good Night Prayer Messages for Her
  3. Goodnight Prayer for My Husband.
  4. Short Good Night Prayer
  5. Goodnight Prayer for a friend
  6. Goodnight and God Bless You Quotes

Sweet Good Night Message to My Sweetheart

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As you withdraw from the day’s activities, you deserve a sweet rest, so do your loved ones. But before going to bed, it is essential to reflect on the day, assess yourself, plan ahead, and also commit the night into God’s hands.

Praying before going to bed is important to set things in order in your life and declare those good things you desire, either while you sleep or for the day ahead into existence. Hence, why you need these good night prayer quotes to guide you through the process.

These good night message to my sweetheart can also be shared with your special friends and even family members, just to show them that you care and wish them a sweet and victorious night rest they deserve. Let’s check them out.

1. This is my prayer for you, that as you resort to bed, may the Lord hide you under His wings and renew your strength as you rise. Goodnight, dear.

2. As you sleep tonight, the Lord will keep you safe through the night and endow you with rest. Never forget to cast off your cares and burden upon Him, for He cares for you. Good night sweetie.

3. May your sleep be blessed and refreshing, may you be covered in God’s love and enjoy a peaceful night. Have a good night, gorgeous.

4. May you be ever joyous and be blessed beyond measures. Have a sound and refreshing sleep.

5. May you be safe in God’s love as you sleep tonight, may your body be refreshed and your strength renewed for a new day. Goodnight dearest

6. This is my prayer: that you experience a good night’s rest, a sweet dream, and a blessed morning. Have a wonderful night, darling.

7. May the Lord strengthen you and keep you safe. May you and yours be shielded from every form of attack. Have a good night, dear.

8. As we sleep tonight, may we be forgiven of our trespasses, may the Lord pardon our shortcomings and wrongdoings by His mercies, and may He cause His face to shine upon us.

9. I pray that you have a refreshing and calming sleep tonight. May the God of peace and comfort watch over you. Good night, my dearest.

10. Have a good night rest dear, may the Lord take care of all of your fear and distress, and give you peace and rest from all your burdens.

11. May our dear Father of peace and comfort send you perfect peace from all your troubles, and may your soul experience the beauty of His love as you sleep. Goodnight dear.

12. May your hearts be filled with heavenly visions, that you may be hopeful of a beautiful new day. Have a sound sleep, my love.

13. Father, we pray thee, that you protect us, your chosen ones, as we retire to bed tonight. Let our lives experience your best and let us be full of joy in you.

14. How beautiful are the works of your hands, oh Lord. We behold the beauty and the brightness of the stars, thank you for your endless blessings and your unfailing mercies. Please let us enjoy your promised rest tonight, as we go to bed.

15 . May your eyes be opened to the deep things of God and be guided to see the heavenly visions, and may your heart be saturated with the peace and comfort of God’s love as you sleep tonight.

16. Darling, be assured that God already perfected the beautiful new day ahead. So, sleep like a baby, and rest assured of His unfailing love for you. Good night, darling.

17. May God reveal to you the path to a brighter future ahead, and may you wake up with a clear vision of your destiny. Goodnight dear.

18. May Gods’ grace and peace cover you tonight, may you rest in his love and comfort, and receive rest from all your stresses. Good night, my dearest.

19. May the Lord look upon you and take away your pains and burdens. May He handle all your stresses and anxiety in Jesus’ name. Goodnight. You are highly treasured.

20. Dearest, think about God’s blessings and His unfailing love over you during the day. Be thankful, and be reminded that He will charge His angels watch over you as you sleep tonight.

Related Post: Sweet and Powerful Good Morning Prayer Messages

Good Night Prayer Messages for Her

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Are you looking for a way to proclaim your love to the woman in your life? Or register your presence in her heart, to get her not stop thinking about you all through the night? Trust me, one of the best ways to achieve this is to prepare sweet goodnight prayer quotes and messages for her.

Remember, women are generally moved by what they hear, I.e what you tell them, either in written or spoken form. Thus, a carefully drafted good night prayer messages for her will surely touch her emotion and melt her heart.

Let’s take a look !

21. My love, I’m convinced that you had a blessed day. You deserve a sweet, calm rest from the day’s labor. Goodnight dear. I love you.

22. The moment spent with you today was sweet and pleasant, I wish I could stay longer with you. Can’t wait to see you tomorrow, my love. Goodnight.

23. Before you sleep tonight, do not forget to give thanks to God. Because we are expected to give thanks to God in everything. Also, remember that I love and cherish you forever. Goodnight.

24. May your strength be renewed and your body refreshed as you wake up tomorrow. Good night, my love.

25. The night is here, the day is over, and we can neither reverse nor have a day like this again. I hope your day was fruitful and productive. Good night darling.

26. May your tomorrow be beautiful and colorful. I wish you a sweet night’s rest. I love you.

27. May the angels of the Lord appear to you and reveal His plans for you. May you have rest and peace. It’s my pleasure to wish you a good night’s rest, lover.

28. When you sleep, you get refreshed and ready for the activities of the new day. I wish you a refreshing night as you sleep tonight. Have a sound sleep dear.

29. Till darkness goes and the day breaks, may you have a good night and sweet dreams. I love you forever.

30. Sleep gives us the opportunity to have a new day. As a day ends and a night passes, a new day comes. A new day affords us a new beginning. Have a wonderful night’s rest to wake up to a beautiful new day. I love you

31. May the gentle breeze of the night blow over you and keep you replenished throughout the night. May God’s angels guide you in your dream as you lay to bed. Goodnight dear, I love you.

32. You’re done with the activities of the day, You’ve invested your best into it and you deserve some rest. Sleep well my love, shut your eyes, and wake up refreshed.

33. Interestingly, we are done with another day. Have a good night’s rest, and expect the best tomorrow has for you. I love you, dear.

34. May the sweet memories we shared today linger in your heart and even in your dream. Have a wonderful night rest. I love you.

35. It might be hard for me to say goodnight to you, but it’s still a way of showing my love to you. Have a good night’s rest darling. See you tomorrow, my love.

36. Have a blissful night rest darling, I’m sure your day has been productive and fruitful. You deserve rest, my love, I can say it over and over again.

37. Now, the day is over. The bird goes to its nest and the sun sets. The cool and calm night is here. Do have a pleasant night’s rest. I love you.

38. Goodnight darling, wake up to a bright new day, to your place of destiny and purpose. Sleep tight dearest. I love you.

39. As you sleep tonight, may God give you the dream that will inspire you to pursue your dream with strength and passion. Have an amazing night rest, my love.

40. Honey, I encourage you to go to bed tonight, having it in mind that I love you now, and forevermore. Sleep tight, my love.

Related Post: Lovely Emotional Text Messages

Goodnight Prayer for My Husband.

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Being the pillar of the home, and the breadwinner, your husband needs prayers and encouragement to keep him going.

Going through this list of Goodnight prayer for my husband will surely help you and guide you through in encouraging your man, and saying the right prayer for him.

Let your man feel loved and supported as he receives a series of Good Night Prayer Messages or quotes from you after the day’s stress before going to bed. So when what you need is some Good night message to my sweetheart, here you have them!

Now, let’s quickly go through them.

41. Darling, you’ve worked so hard, may the Lord crown your efforts with good success and rest. Come to bed and have a sound sleep. Good morning, my darling.

42. Honey, be reminded that our God is loving and Kind, rich in mercy and peace, gracious and loving. He doesn’t fail, and he cannot give up on you. May you find grace to also love Him and hope in Him the more in Jesus’ name. Good night my loving husband.

43. As you wake up tomorrow, may you be awake refreshed and in clarity of purpose as the head of the family. Have a good night, dear. I love you.

44. Dearest, as you sleep tonight, my prayer for you is that the Lord will melt down all your problems like wax. Sleep tight.

45. As you sleep tonight, may the Lord visit you and bear your burden. Do have a good night dear. I love you.

46. May our merciful God of grace visit you and give you calm rest as you sleep tonight. May you find peace and comfort in God’s arms. Good night dear.

47. As you sleep tonight, may the Lord release His angels over you to keep you in your ways. Good night my love.

48. Have a safe and sound sleep, my love. May you have a sweet sleep from heaven tonight. Good night darling.

49. As you sleep tonight, may you find rest and God’s protection amazingly. May you experience peace and comfort from above. Sleep well, my husband. I love you.

50. May you feel God’s presence overshadow you and feel His warmth and love for you tonight. Sleep, tight darling.

51. As you sleep tonight, the Lord will rest His hands on you, and make you have a sweet and calming one. Sleep well, my love.

52. May you receive extraordinary power and anointing. May the dews of heaven fall on you as you sleep tonight. May you be blessed and refreshed. Good Night, my love.

53. I sincerely pray that you’ll be awake in new joy and hope. May you have a heavenly experience as you sleep tonight. Sleep tight, darling husband.

54. As calmness fills the earth tonight, so shall the Lord release calmness and peace into your sleep. Sweet dreams, my love.

55. May you be granted a delightful night rest so that you will have a sound sleep tonight. I love you.

56. Darling, receive loads of joy and sweetness from heaven to make your sleeping moment worthwhile as you retire to bed for a deserving sweet rest.

57. I pray that the Lord bless you with a sweet sleep and endow you with the strength to face the task ahead. May He open your eyes to see His good plans for the family in the day to come. Have a good night rest. I love you.

58. Honey, you deserve to rest. May you receive special attention from above tonight, and may God shower you with heavenly blessings. Good night my darling husband. I love you.

59. Here comes the end of the day, you deserve a good night rest and a better tomorrow. May our God, by His love and mercy grant you a beautiful sleep tonight. Goodnight.

60. Good night, my love. As calmness and serenity cover the night, may your life be blessed with a double fold of quietness and serenity. I love you.

Short Good Night Prayer

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Being a period of relaxation, we tend to get carried away that we forget to say a word of prayer during the night time before going to bed, either to our friends or family.

However, saying a short good night prayer for ourselves and sending a powerful Good Night Prayer Messages and sweet words to our loved ones will surely be of help to our lives, greatly speak volume and touch their hearts.

Check out the next few lines to see some featured short good night prayer quotes and messages you can quickly say or text to your loved ones within few seconds, no matter how tired you might be feeling before going to bed.

61. I’m using this moment to check on you do have a safe and peaceful sleep.

62. May your night be refreshing as you unwind and resort to bed, my love.

63. May you have a re-invigorating sleep tonight, and be strengthened to start a fresh day ahead. Sleep tight, my love.

64. I pray that as you sleep tonight, may your sleep be enjoyable and your dreams be wonderful.

65. As the night allows us to reminisce about God’s blessings, be thankful as you count your blessings and I pray that your joy will be full.

66. Just as you enjoyed God’s blessings and protection during the day. May you not be deprived of it tonight as you go to bed.

67. May God’s powerful hand rest upon you and keep you safe as you rest tonight.

68. As we close our eyes to sleep, may God reveal to us the way to succeed and the way to be great.

69. May God watch over us and protect us from every evil, as we sleep tonight.

70. As we are grateful for the beautiful day, may we be blessed with a peaceful night’s rest.

71. May God send His angels to protect us and keep us safe from evils that fly by the night.

72. Whether a long or short night, may we have a peaceful and reinvigorating sleep, for this is all that matters.

73. Despite the tiresome day, may God grant us peace and keep us refreshed through the night.

74. May sweet and sound dreams be set before you tonight. May we be protected and surrounded by God’s angels.

75. May we receive sufficient mercy from Lord, May His goodness and mercy accompany us to bed.

76. The Lord indeed answered our prayers, He kept us safe during the day. May we find favor, and also be protected tonight in Jesus name.

77. May we are rewarded with the blessing of a sweet sound sleep, as we retire to bed tonight.

78. As we sleep tonight, may we have true rest and enjoy the fruit of our labor for the day.

79. As we sleep, may our eyes be enlightened, and may we be taught the deep things of God.

80. After the day’s activities and productivities, may we be rewarded with sound sleep and sweet dreams tonight.

Goodnight Prayer for a friend

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Your friend is someone you like and enjoy being around every time, whom you can also see as your companion.

However as close as we might be to each other, we still get separated, thus, saying a word of prayer or sending a good night prayer message to your friend would be a great idea and go a long way in showing them that you care, despite all the stresses we cause each other sometimes.

Here, let’s check out this list of good night prayer for a friend that you can share with your friends and be sure to make them giggle.

81. I pray that the Lord will take care of you as you sleep, that you will wake up refreshed and strengthened tomorrow. Goodnight my dearest friend.

82. Here comes the night, to rest and be relieved of the stress of the day. May your sleep be calm and your strength is renewed like that of the eagle when you wake up. Goodnight, friend.

83. Darling friend, life is full of ups and downs. Nevertheless, always remember, and rest on God’s promises to never leave nor forsake you, even as you sleep tonight. Have a blessed night.

84. Dearest friend, even as you sleep tonight, may you be fully loaded with God’s benefits, now and forevermore. Do enjoy your rest and have a peaceful sleeping moment.

85. Sweetheart, God delights in your peace and sound health, so do I. I pray that you enjoy true peace and sound health from God as you sleep tonight, in Jesus name.

86. God wants the best for us, so I pray that God’s best will be your portion all the days of your life, and you have the most peaceful sleep as you sleep tonight.

87. May you sleep well tonight and wake up to a productive day tomorrow. May all your heart desires be achieved, even as you put your trust in the Lord. Good night best friend!

88. Dear friend, the most beautiful sleep comes when our heart is at rest, may we learn to embrace contentment and be thankful for what we have, that we may find peace for our hearts, even when we have not had all that we craved.

89. Best friend, I pray that your sleep tonight will be your best sleep ever, full of joy and vigor. I wish you a peaceful and calm rest as you sleep tonight. Goodnight my sweetheart.

90. May your sleep be sound, full of comfort, and filled with dreams of a glorious future. Dear friend, I hope you always remember to give thanks. Have a sound sleep.

91. A sweet and wonderful night rest is all I wish for you. May God’s care be lavished upon you and you enjoy rest under the shadow of His wings. Sleep tight, dear friend.

92. I wish you a sweet night rest that you will want more of, and always crave. May your sleep be so thrilling, that it’s thought cause you to crave for the close of the day. I wish you a blessed night that you’ll always long for. Sleep well, my dear friend.

93. As you sleep tonight, I pray that you will be secured and your safety is assured. Rest well, my darling. Have a sound sleep.

94. It’s time to rest, friend, forget about the little stress of the day, free your mind and relax your muscles, God’s protection is sure over you. Goodnight.

95. When we sleep, we lose the ability to defend ourselves, no matter how strong we are. I pray that the Almighty God protect you and shield you from every evil attack. Can’t wait to have you around, tomorrow.

96. Bestie! Tomorrow will be a beautiful day, and I can’t wait to share it with you. I pray that the angels keep watch over you tonight so that I will see you safe and sound tomorrow. Have a great night rest.

97. It’s time to relax, though separated from you, my heart is with you. I pray that your night will be as beautiful as you made my day. Sweet dreams bestie!

98. Forget about the little stresses I give, trust me, I love you and I care about you. May you have a safe sleep and a dream full of victory. Goodnight dear friend.

99. I thought I can do without you, but your absence made me realized how much I enjoyed your troubles. May God protect you for me and give you a beautiful night’s rest as you sleep tonight. Can’t wait to be around you again, I love you bestie!

100. Darling friend, though separate, our hearts beat together, I care so much about you, and I want God to protect you and give an invigorating night rest. Hold me in your hearts! I love you.

Goodnight and God Bless You Quotes

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Whether sleeping or awake, God’s blessing is something we should always desire for ourselves and those we love.

When you declare God’s blessings over someone you love, it shows them how much you care for them, how selfless you are, and how much you wish them well.

This list of Goodnight and God bless your quotes consist of powerful texts messages you can share with your friends and families just like other Good Night Prayer Messages.

101. Darling, I’m sure you had a great day. Let me remind you, that you deserve a sweet night rest too. Good night and God bless you, dearest.

102. I enjoyed spending my day with you, I wish we could continue, but we have to depart. I want to wish you a night as wonderful as you made my day. God bless you, dear. Good night.

103. May you have a sweet sleep and calming rest, I pray that you wake up refreshed and renewed. Goodnight dear.

104. I wish I could keep you around me till tomorrow, but I can’t. So I say, have a good night’s rest, and always remember that I care.

105. It’s sad to be away from you, but trust me, my heart is always with you. I hope you’ll take very good care of my heart. Goodnight and God bless you, my love.

106. I wish you a safe and good night rest, may you be preserved and protected as you retire to bed. Sleep tight, God bless you, dear.

107. Your smiles were so beautiful and bright that I never knew that the night has come. It’s sad to see you leave. I can’t wait to have you back tomorrow, my love. Goodnight and God bless you.

108. Glad to tell you that I’m not going to bed without your presence tonight, yes, I’m going to bed with the thought of you, filling my heart. Trust me, your thought in my heart is enough of your presence. Darling, I hope I am with you too. Goodnight and God bless you.

109. I wish you a night full of brightness and life. May your tomorrow be great and rewarding, sleep tight dear. Goodnight and God bless you.

110. The time we spent together was amazing. Thanks for your love and care. May the Lord protect you and care for you as you sleep tonight. Goodnight and God bless you, dear.

111. Every day, I think about how you add meaning to my life and sparks to my days. I’m so lucky to have you. goodnight and God bless you, my dear.

112. Beautiful one, believe me, I can’t wait to see your beautiful face tomorrow morning. Good night and God bless you, my love.

113. you are my love, you are my soul, you are my everything. Have a beautiful night’s rest. Goodnight to you.

114. Even with my eyes closed, I still see the picture of you, the thought of you fills my heart. I love you, darling. Goodnight and God bless you.

115. Goodnight, my love. I’m glad you are sleeping next to me because all my fears and my worry vanishes whenever I see you by my side. Sleep tight dear.

116. May your night be blessed, and your day be bright and wonderful. Goodnight my love, God bless you.

117. You deserve the best, rest your mind and relax your body. Have a good night rest, sweetheart, God bless you

118. I wish you a dream beautiful just like you are. Sleep well, my love. God bless you.

119. Honey, can you do me a favor? Think of how wonderful and amazing you are before you sleep tonight. Good night, my love. God bless you.

120. Goodnight my love, I am looking forward to a beautiful morning brightened up by your smiles.

Your sleeping moment and that of your loved ones will surely be an amazing and pleasurable moment, as you share these Good Night Prayer Messages with them, and your friends and families will appreciate you the more as you express your love to them in this new dimension.

I’m sure you can’t wait to share these powerful night prayer quotes with your loved ones, then feel free to share, and also drop your comment in the comment section below.

120 Good Night Prayer Messages, Blessings and Wishes for Loved Ones - plumcious (2024)


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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.