Lest we Forget: Remembrance Sunday and The Wartime Kitchen Recipes (2024)

Lest we Forget: Remembrance Sunday and The Wartime Kitchen Recipes (1)

My Poppy is worn with pride

Lest we Forget:

Remembrance Sunday and The Wartime Kitchen Recipes

Lest we Forget: Remembrance Sunday and The Wartime Kitchen Recipes (2)

Image: The Last of the Few

Today is a reflective day for me, a day to remember all those who have died in both World Wars as well as other and continuing conflicts, both home and abroad. It IS a sad and sombre day, but it is a day torecognisejust how brave andcourageousall of the fallen were, and if it weren’t for them, we really would not have so many of the freedoms that we take for granted today……it’s not a day for too many words, so I will leave you with some poems and a selection of some of my Wartime Recipes. I am also sharing some “new” wartime recipes next week, so do pop back to see what I have been cooking on my Wartime Kitchen. And, yes, I DO wear my poppy with pride. Karen

Lest we Forget: Remembrance Sunday and The Wartime Kitchen Recipes (3)

Image: The Royal British Legion

When you go home, tell them of us and say
For their tomorrow, we gave our today.

John Maxwell Edmonds(1875–1958)

Lest we Forget: Remembrance Sunday and The Wartime Kitchen Recipes (4)

Image: Audio Boo

The Wartime Kitchen Recipes

WW2 Rations 1940: per one person (adult)

Butter:50g (2oz)
Bacon or ham: 100g (4oz)
Margarine:100g (4oz)
Cooking fat/lard:100g (4oz)
Sugar:225g (8oz).
Meat:To the value of 1/2d and sometimes 1/10d – about 1lb (450g) to 12ozs (350g)
Milk:3 pints (1800ml) occasionally dropping to 2 pints (1200ml).
Cheese: 2oz (50g) rising to 8oz (225g)
Eggs:1 fresh egg a week.
Tea:50g (2oz).
Jam:450g (1lb) every two months.
Dried eggs:1 packet (12 eggs) every four weeks.
Sweets & Chocolate:350g (12oz) every four weeks

Lest we Forget: Remembrance Sunday and The Wartime Kitchen Recipes (5)

Spiced Mixed Fruit Roll in a Baked Bean Tin

Spiced Mixed Fruit Roll in a Baked Bean Tin

Spiced Mixed Fruit Roll in a Baked Bean Tin

Print recipe

Serves 4 to 6
Prep time 5 minutes
Cook time 2 hours, 30 minutes
Total time 2 hours, 35 minutes
Dietary Vegetarian
Meal type Dessert, Snack
Misc Child Friendly, Serve Hot
Region British
By author Karen S Burns-Booth

An old fashioned way to steam a pudding and a great way to recycle old baked bean tins; these spiced mixed fruit rolls are easy to slice to serve and are also lovely buttered like tea loaf when cold. This recipe is based on several WW2 ration book recipes that I found in various books, where no eggs and sugar are used. Makes two bake bean tin fruit rolls to serve 4 greedy people or 6 restrained diners!


  • 8 ozs (225g) flour
  • 4 ozs (100g) chopped suet (I used vegetable suet, but you can use grated frozen butter or margarine)
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
  • 4 tablespoons dried mixed fruit and peel
  • 1 teaspoon ground mixed spice
  • 2 tablespoons golden syrup (warmed)
  • pinch of salt
  • 2 clean 400g baked bean tins (greased)


An old fashioned way to steam a pudding and a great way to recycle old baked bean tins; these spiced mixed fruit rolls are easy to slice to serve and are also lovely buttered like tea loaf when cold. This recipe is based on several WW2 ration book recipes that I found in various books, where no eggs and sugar are used. Makes two bake bean tin fruit rolls to serve 4 greedy people or 6 restrained diners!


Step 1 Mix the flour, salt, baking powder, suet, dried fruit and mixed spice together in a bowl. Add the warmed golden syrup and the enough water to make a soft cake like consistancy.
Step 2 Spoon the mixture into the prepared baked bean tins, they must be well greased and a circle of baking paper at the bottom is a good idea for easy removal too. Fill to three-quarters full as the pudding expands during steaming.
Step 3 Place a greased margarine or butter paper on top of the tin and then cover with tinfoil and tie to secure the covers.
Step 4 Place the two tins into the top of a steamer, and steam for 2 1/2 hours. Make sure the water is topped up regularly.
Step 5 Remove the covers carefully, and with heat resistant oven gloves invert the tin/s on to a plate, the puddings should slide out with ease. Slice the pudding and serve with custard.

Scottish Vegetable & Meat Pudding Recipe

Scottish Vegetable & Meat Pudding

Serves 4 to 6
Prep time 15 minutes
Cook time 3 hours
Total time 3 hours, 15 minutes
Allergy Wheat
Meal type Lunch, Main Dish
Misc Child Friendly, Serve Hot
Region British
By author Karen S Burns-Booth

A delicious meat and vegetable steamed pudding that would have been popular as a family meal during the war; the meat is padded out with tasty seasonal root vegetables and the suet crust is made from a combination of flour and oatmeal, for a nutty taste and texture. Serve with gravy and steamed seasonal vegetables.



  • 7ozs (200g) plain flour
  • 3ozs (75g) oatmeal, such as pinhead medium oatmeal
  • 2 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
  • salt and pepper
  • 2 to 3ozs (50 to 75g) grated suet (I used vegetable suet)
  • water, to bind


  • 8ozs (225g) strewing steak
  • 120zs (300g) mixed prepared vegetables such as carrots, swede, potatoes, turnip, leeks, onions and celery (I used a bag of Scotty Brand prepared Casserole Vegetables)
  • 2 tablespoons chopped parsley


A delicious meat and vegetable steamed pudding that would have been popular as a family meal during the war; the meat is padded out with tasty seasonal root vegetables and the suet crust is made from a combination of flour and oatmeal, for a nutty taste and texture. Serve with gravy and steamed seasonal vegetables. I used a very handy packet of Scotty Brand prepared casserole vegetables in my pudding.


Step 1 Pastry: Mix the flour, oatmeal, baking powder, salt, pepper and suet together and then add enough cold water to make a dough with a soft rolling consistency.
Step 2 Roll the dough out on a floured board and use three-quarters to line a 2 pint (1200ml) pudding basin.
Step 3 Dice the meat finely and mix with the prepared vegetables. Add 3 to 4 tablespoons of water to the filling mixture and season well. Spoon the filling into the pastry lined pudding basin and then roll out the remaining dough to form a lid.
Step 4 Moisten the edges of the edges of the pastry lid and put into position on top of the pie, crimping the pastry together around the edges to form a tight seal.
Step 5 Cover with margarine paper or greased baking parchment, and add a lid if using a plastic steamer. Place in a steamer and steam for 2 1/2 to 3 hours, making sure the water is topped up regularly with boiling water.

Scottish Vegetable & Meat Pudding Recipe

Wartime Devilled Fish

Wartime Devilled Fish

Print recipe

Serves 4 to 6
Prep time 15 minutes
Cook time 20 minutes
Total time 35 minutes
Allergy Egg, Fish, Milk
Meal type Lunch, Main Dish, Snack
Misc Child Friendly, Pre-preparable, Serve Hot
Region British
From book The Stork Wartime Cookery Book

A thrifty and yet very tasty wartime dish of fish in a devilled white sauce, cooked au gratin, This recipe makes a pie that is adequate for 4 to 6 people, when served with potatoes and vegetables on the side, or a high tea meal for 4 people when served with bread and butter. The recipe comes from The Stork Wartime Cookery Book.


  • 1/2 lb (225g) cold cooked fish (I used Coley, Saithe)
  • 1/2 pint (300ml) milk
  • 1 oz (25g) flour
  • 1 oz (25g) Stork margarine
  • 2 teaspoons Worcester sauce or tomato ketchup
  • 1/2 teaspoon made English mustard
  • 1 teaspoon curry podwer
  • pinch of mace or grated nutmeg
  • pinch of Cayenne pepper
  • 1 1/2 ozs (40g) stale breadcrumbs
  • 1 hard-boiled egg (sliced or chopped)
  • salt and pepper


A thrifty and yet very tasty wartime dish of fish in a devilled white sauce, cooked au gratin, This recipe makes a pie that is adequate for 4 to 6 people, when served with potatoes and vegetables on the side, or a high tea meal for 4 people when served with bread and butter. The recipe comes from The Stork Wartime Cookery Book.


Step 1 Flake fish and remove any skin or bones. Grease a pie-dish with a little Stork margarine. Melt the 1 oz of Stork in saucepan, stir in flour and cook until it bubbles. Take off heat and add milk (or half milk and water). Bring to boil, lower heat and cook for 3 minutes, stirring all the time.
Step 2 Add the fish, egg, nutmeg, curry powder, Cayenne, mustard, Worcester sauce or ketchup. Season to taste with salt and pepper.
Step 3 Pour into prepared dish and coat with breadcrumbs, and bake for 20 minutes on moderately hot oven (Regulo Mark 6 - 180C/350F).

Wartime Devilled Fish

Lest we Forget: Remembrance Sunday and The Wartime Kitchen Recipes (15)

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Lest we Forget: Remembrance Sunday and The Wartime Kitchen Recipes (2024)


What do you say on Remembrance Day? ›

Today, as we should every day, we remember those who volunteered, sacrificed, served, fought, and died, for our freedom. We thank you, and we salute you as we salute those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. We will never forget. We will remember you.

What is another name for Remembrance Day? ›

Remembrance Day (also known as Poppy Day owing to the tradition of wearing a remembrance poppy) is a memorial day observed in Commonwealth member states since the end of the First World War to honour armed forces members who have died in the line of duty.

What does Remembrance Sunday remember? ›

We remember the sacrifice of the Armed Forces community from United Kingdom and the Commonwealth. We pay tribute to the special contribution of families and of the emergency services. We acknowledge innocent civilians who have lost their lives in conflict and acts of terrorism.

When did Remembrance Day start? ›

What is Remembrance Day? The first Remembrance Day was conducted in 1919 throughout the Commonwealth and Britain. Originally called Armistice Day, it commemorated the end of hostilities of the Great War in 1918.

What not to wear on Remembrance Day? ›

Can I wear my grandfather's medals when attending a Remembrance Day memorial? No. Although it may bring you comfort and pride, this is absolutely not acceptable. It would be quite disrespectful to the courage that he displayed and the honour that was bestowed upon him.

What is the short prayer for Remembrance Sunday? ›

Grant, O Lord, that our people may devote themselves unselfishly to the common good, giving much and taking little. Grant that we may love your Word and seek to obey your commandments, so that justice and peace, unity and concord, may reign in our land. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

What are 3 words for Remembrance? ›

Some common synonyms of remembrance are memory, recollection, and reminiscence. While all these words mean "the capacity for or the act of remembering, or the thing remembered," remembrance applies to the act of remembering or the fact of being remembered.

What does the red poppy symbolize? ›

Our red poppy is a symbol of both Remembrance and hope for a peaceful future. Poppies are worn as a show of support for the Armed Forces community. The poppy is a well-known and well-established symbol, one that carries a wealth of history and meaning with it.

Why is the number 11 important for veterans? ›

However, fighting ceased seven months earlier when an armistice, or temporary cessation of hostilities, between the Allied nations and Germany went into effect on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month.

What is the dress code for Remembrance Sunday? ›

Day Dress / Lounge Suit. Full size decorations may be worn if desired.

What flower is commonly worn for Remembrance Day? ›

With their big, showy petals and dark black centres, the poppy is an unmistakable flower. Best known as a symbol of remembrance, poppies also have practical uses too. Over the years they've been used as ornamental plants, in medicines, cooking ingredients and even in cosmetics.

Is there a poppy Emoji? ›

Emoji Details

This open source emoji is named "poppy" and is licensed under the open source CC BY 4.0 license. It's a colored emoji. It's also a defined emoji, which means it's part of the open standard on emojis. It's available to be downloaded in SVG and PNG formats (available in 256, 512, 1024 and 2048 PNG sizes).

What happens at 11am on Veterans Day? ›

National Ceremonies Held at Arlington National Cemetery

At 11 a.m. on November 11, a combined color guard representing all military services executes “Present Arms” at the tomb. The nation's tribute to its war dead is symbolized by the laying of a presidential wreath.

Do Americans wear poppies? ›

Poppy Day is celebrated in countries around the world. The American Legion brought National Poppy Day® to the United States by asking Congress to designate the Friday before Memorial Day, as National Poppy Day. On May 26, wear a red poppy to honor the fallen and support the living who have worn our nation's uniform.

Why do we wear poppies? ›

The poppy is the enduring symbol of remembrance of the First World War. It is strongly linked with Armistice Day (11 November), but the poppy's origin as a popular symbol of remembrance lies in the landscapes of the First World War. Poppies were a common sight, especially on the Western Front.

Why is November 11 no longer called Armistice Day? ›

Congress later acted to establish Nov. 11 as the legal holiday for Armistice Day, and after World War II, changed the holiday's name from Armistice Day to Veterans Day to honor American veterans of all wars.

When was Remembrance Day renamed? ›

After the Second World War, the Australian Government agreed to the United Kingdom's proposal that Armistice Day be renamed Remembrance Day to commemorate those who were killed in both World Wars.

What was Remembrance Day first called? ›

Remembrance Day was first observed in 1919 throughout the British Commonwealth. It was originally called “Armistice Day” to commemorate armistice agreement that ended the First World War on Monday, November 11, 1918, at 11 a.m.—on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month.


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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

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Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.