55 Love Letters to Him to Make Him Cry with Happiness (2024)

Do you ever have such strong emotions that you just can’t put them into words?

When you are with your boyfriend, maybe your nerves get the best of you, and you can’t say what you truly feel.

Looking into his eyes, you lose your courage, but you still want him to know how much you care.

Writing a love letter is an enduring way to express your emotions, and it’s often easier to write your feelings on paper than it is to speak them out loud.

What's in this post:


  • 55 Love Letters for Him to Make Him Cry
  • Why You Should Send Love Letters to Him
    • Deep Short Love Letters for Him
      • 1. To My Soulmate
      • 2. To My Strength
      • 3. To the One I Love Endlessly
      • 4. To the Person Who Gives Me Direction
      • 5. To the One I’m Always Thinking Of
      • 6. To the One I’ll Always Support
      • 7. To My True Love
      • 8. To the Person I Care for Deeply
      • 9. To the One I Love Unconditionally
    • A Letter to My Boyfriend That Will Make Him Cry
      • 10. To the One Who Treats Me Like a Queen
      • 11. To the Guy Who Gives Me Confidence
      • 12. To My Hardworking Lover
      • 13. To My Caring Boyfriend
      • 14. To the One I Long For
      • 15. To My Carefree Lover
      • 16. To My One and Only
      • 17. To the Person I’m Proud Of
      • 18. To My Kind Lover
    • Long Love Letters for Him that Make Him Cry
      • 19. To the Best Thing That Ever Happened to Me
      • 20. To the One I’m Thankful For
      • 21. To My Provider and Protector
      • 22. To the One Who Deserves Happiness
      • 23. To My Long-Distance Lover
      • 24. To the One I Wake Up Beside
      • 25. To the One I’ll Always Support
      • 26. To My World
      • 27. To My Amazing Lover
    • Romantic Love Letters for Him that Make Him Cry
      • 28. To My Amazing Boyfriend
      • 29. To My Handsome Man
      • 30. To the One Who Makes Me Complete
      • 31. To the Person Who Changed My Life
      • 32. To the Guy Who Gives Me Butterflies
      • 33. To My Biggest Supporter
      • 34. To the One Who Fills Me With Pride
      • 35. To My Imperfect Lover
      • 36. To the One Who Has Been There Through it All
    • Cute Love Letters for Him
      • 37. To My Passionate Lover
      • 38. To My Bright-Eyed Lover
      • 39. To My Best Friend
      • 40. To My Safe Space
      • 41. To My Mysterious Lover
      • 42. To the Person I’m Falling in Love With
      • 43. To the One I’m So Lucky to Have
      • 44. To My Peaceful Lover
      • 45. To the Person in My Favorite Chapter
    • I Miss You Love Letters for Him
      • 46. To My Faraway Guy
      • 47. To the One I Miss So Much
      • 48. To the Man I’m Reminded of Daily
      • 49. To My Best Friend and Lover
      • 50. To My Guy Who Smells Yummy
      • 51. To My Conversation Partner
      • 52. To My Favorite Chef
      • 53. To My Walking Buddy
      • 54. To My Rock
      • 55. To My Dance Partner
  • How to Write Your Own Love Letters for Him
    • Start With Why You're Writing
    • Recall a Special Moment
    • Share What You Love About Him
    • Acknowledge His Impact on You
    • Dream About Your Future Together
    • End With a Promise
    • Sign Off With Love
    • Final Thoughts
  • 45 Love Letters for Him to Make Him Cry
    • Deep Short Love Letters for Him
    • A Letter to My Boyfriend that Will Make Him Cry
    • Long Love Letters for Him that Make Him Cry
    • Romantic Love Letters for Him that Make Him Cry
    • Cute Love Letters for Him

55 Love Letters to Him to Make Him Cry

If you have ever received a love letter, you know how special it can make you feel.

Maybe you think your boyfriend isn’t the type to display his emotions outwardly. If so, consider writing him a heartfelt love letter.

The following letters will get you started, but feel free to tailor them more specifically to your relationship!

Why You Should Send Love Letters to Him

Think love letters are old-fashioned? Think again! Sending a love letter to your man is one of the most heartfelt ways to show him just how much he means to you. Here's why you should start penning down your feelings:

  • Personal Touch: Texts are great, but a letter? That's next-level thoughtfulness. It shows you took the time to sit down and let your feelings flow.
  • Keepsake Forever: He can keep your letters as a tangible reminder of your love, something to hold onto during rough days.
  • Deepens Connection: Sharing your deepest feelings can strengthen your bond, making your relationship even more intimate.
  • Surprise Element: Imagine the look on his face when he finds a love note from you; it's an unexpected joy!
  • Express the Inexpressible: Sometimes, words spoken just don’t cut it. A letter allows you to express those complex feelings eloquently.

So, grab that pen and let your heart do the talking. It’s about making him feel special and loved in a way only you can.

Deep Short Love Letters for Him

Sometimes, a short and sweet letter is the perfect avenue for expressing your deepest feelings.

These deep love letters for him will tell him everything you want him to know.

1. To My Soulmate

You are my inspiration in life and the most important thing to me. When I think of you, I cannot imagine a future without you. You are my soulmate, and I know deep in my heart we are meant to be. Without you, my world would feel meaningless. Thank you for filling my life with purpose.

2. To My Strength

You give me strength when I feel weak. I know you are always there to support me, just like I will always be there for you. Knowing you have my back and I have yours fills me with joy and love. I’m so thankful for our relationship and how it has helped me get back on my feet.

3. To the One I Love Endlessly

Never before have I met someone who makes me feel so beautiful just by glancing at me. When I look into your eyes, I can feel your love for me.

This is how I know our relationship is meant to be. I love you endlessly and can’t wait to see how our love grows further.

4. To the Person Who Gives Me Direction

Before you, I felt directionless in life. I didn’t know what I wanted or where to go next. But the moment I first saw you, I could finally see a future for myself – a future with you. From here on out, I will live my life for you and for us because I love you.

5. To the One I’m Always Thinking Of

You are the first thing I think of when I wake up and the last thing I think about before falling asleep. You consume my thoughts every day. All I want is to love you with my whole heart and give you the life you desire. I hope you know that I would give you the world if I could.

6. To the One I’ll Always Support

No matter where life takes us, know that I will always be by your side. I know things have been chaotic with bills and other responsibilities, but I will never abandon you. Loving you is my favorite thing to do, and I hope you know I will always be your support to fall back on.

7. To My True Love

I never really believed in true love before I met you. I thought it was just something that people exaggerated, but the first time we went on a date, I knew. That’s the moment everything clicked for me, and I realized that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you.

8. To the Person I Care for Deeply

When I look at your face, I am overwhelmed with happiness. Our relationship is the healthiest and most real thing that I have ever experienced. I care for you so deeply, even more than I care for myself. I hope you know that I would go to the ends of the earth for you.

9. To the One I Love Unconditionally

My love for you will never waver. It is as real and unchanging as the sky or the sea. I always had this idea of what I wanted in a boyfriend, but I never could quite find what I was looking for until I met you. You are everything I could ever want and more.

A Letter to My Boyfriend That Will Make Him Cry

If you want to share your most romantic thoughts and appreciation, these letters will melt his heart and bring a tear to his eye.

10. To the One Who Treats Me Like a Queen

I am so unbelievably lucky to have someone who cares for me, respects me, and supports me in all I do. You treat me like a queen, and I’m filled with gratitude when I feel your love. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for all that you do for me.

11. To the Guy Who Gives Me Confidence

I may never be the most gorgeous woman in the room, but you make me feel like I am. I’ll never be the smartest, but you have a way of making me feel that I’m the most intelligent person you have ever met. You give me that confidence I’ve never had, and for that, I love you.

12. To My Hardworking Lover

I could never have imagined that I would be with such a kind and hardworking man. You are my protector and my provider. I love you so much for all you do for me, and I hope you know that it never goes unnoticed.

13. To My Caring Boyfriend

You are the most caring man I have ever met. You work hard so hard for us so that we can build our dream life together, and for that, I’m so grateful. I hope to spend every day for the rest of my life showing you how much I appreciate you.

14. To the One I Long For

Whenever we are apart, my heart feels a longing so deep that it’s hard to explain. You are my soulmate, and every minute apart is time I don’t get to spend with you. I miss you so much when you are away because I know that my soul and yours are meant to be together.

15. To My Carefree Lover

Our love is so easy, and that’s why I know it’s meant to be. I fell in love with your beautiful personality before I even realized it had happened. Every moment with you feels so light and carefree, and every day we spend together, I’m more certain that you are the one.

16. To My One and Only

You are my one and only, always and forever. I will stand by your side, whether you are filthy rich or dirt poor, in sickness and in health. Your heart is so beautiful, and I promise to always be gentle with it. I’ll never abandon you.

17. To the Person I’m Proud Of

Maybe I haven’t told you lately, but know that I am so proud of you. I see all your efforts, and I appreciate them more than you know.

You are so dedicated and hardworking and everything I’ve ever wanted in a partner. Your beautiful soul has completely won over my heart.

18. To My Kind Lover

Your kind heart and humble nature are like no other. Not only that, but you are such a passionate lover with a gentle touch. No one could ever compare to you. I give you my heart, and I hope that you will give me yours.

Long Love Letters for Him that Make Him Cry

Maybe you’re wondering, “What are some good examples of long love letters for my boyfriend?” The following are more lengthy messages that are sure to make him cry tears of joy.

19. To the Best Thing That Ever Happened to Me

I may not be the best at expressing my emotions, but I just want you to know how much you mean to me. I love you unconditionally, forever.

Every time I look at you, I find more things to love about you. You’re the best thing that ever happened to me. I hope that you will be with me wherever I go in life. You have made me feel more supported and appreciated than I have in a long time.

20. To the One I’m Thankful For

If I listed all the reasons I’m thankful for you, you would be reading for a lifetime. So, instead, I’ll just tell you my favorite things about you.

I love how you make me feel and how you treat me with so much care and respect. I adore your smile, your beautiful eyes, and the way you light up a room. Most of all, I admire your hard-working nature and your beautiful soul.

21. To My Provider and Protector

When I look at you, I see not only my lover but also my best friend, my provider, and my protector. I believe with all of my heart that my soul was made to be with yours.

I hope that one day I’ll walk down the aisle and say, “I do.” I dream of the day we start a family of our own. Eventually, we’ll grow old together, but I can promise you that I’ll never get tired of being with you.

22. To the One Who Deserves Happiness

I know I don’t tell you enough, so I’m writing this letter to tell you how much I care for you. Whenever you hurt, I hurt too. If I could take away all your stress and pain, I would do it a million times over.

It makes me happy to see you happy. I would do anything to cheer you up. I know life can sometimes be hard, but you deserve all of the happiness in the world and more.

23. To My Long-Distance Lover

Even though we are miles apart, my love for you grows stronger every day. I miss your voice, your sweet touch, and your gentle smile, but I know that we'll be together again soon.

What keeps me going when the distance feels like too much to bear is knowing that you will always be there waiting for me. There is no other lover better for me than you are. Your love is worth waiting a lifetime for.

24. To the One I Wake Up Beside

When I woke up this morning and saw you lying beside me, I couldn’t help but feel like I’m the luckiest girl in the world. When you hold me in your arms, I feel so safe and secure.

In all of my life, I have never experienced such a healthy and stable relationship. I know deep down in my heart that I can fully trust you. I am confident that you will never betray me, and I promise that I will never betray you.

25. To the One I’ll Always Support

I know you have been stressed lately. You are such a hard worker, and you want to please everyone around you. I wish I could take a load off your shoulders because I care deeply for you. Your well-being is my number one priority.

Even though I can’t take away your stress, I will be your rock and support no matter the circ*mstances. You can come to me with anything, and I will be there for you.

26. To My World

When I look back to the beginning of our relationship, I can’t believe that our love has blossomed into what it is now. I am so lucky to have someone so respectful, caring, and affectionate.

You are my best friend and the one I will love forever. You are truly my world, and I promise to spend every day appreciating you and this beautiful life we have together.

27. To My Amazing Lover

When I think about this beautiful life we are living together, my heart swells with pride and joy. I am so proud of the person you have grown into. Every day you become a better man and a better lover.

Because of that, I will work hard to be the best version of myself for you. You deserve all that I have to give and more, and I want to dedicate my life to making sure your dreams come true.

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Romantic Love Letters for Him that Make Him Cry

Sometimes, just showing your boyfriend how romantic you are is enough to bring him to tears. These love letters will show him how deeply you feel for him.

28. To My Amazing Boyfriend

You are the most amazing boyfriend, and I’m so fortunate to have found you. Your sweetness and affection are what drew me to you, but your humble and kind character is what made me stay. I love all that you are and all that you’ll ever be.

29. To My Handsome Man

Maybe I never said it out loud, but you are the most handsome man I’ve ever laid eyes on. I feel an attraction towards you that I’ve never felt before.

My desire for you is insatiable and knowing that you are mine, I think I must be the luckiest woman in the world.

30. To the One Who Makes Me Complete

I crave your touch constantly. I miss holding your hand, touching your sweet face, and giving you kisses. When you hold me in your arms, I feel complete. Whenever we are in public, I smile to myself, knowing that you are mine and no one else’s.

31. To the Person Who Changed My Life

When you came into my life, everything changed. I was on the wrong path, but you helped me get on the right course. You shifted my mindset and made me believe that love is real. Because of you, I feel like I can conquer the world.

32. To the Guy Who Gives Me Butterflies

Even after all the time we’ve spent together, I still get butterflies when you look at me with that spark in your eye. You give me a thrill every time you kiss me, even if it’s the thousandth time. I am head over heels for you and always will be.

33. To My Biggest Supporter

Your love is what keeps me going even in my darkest hours. Knowing that I get to come home to you at the end of the day is my biggest motivation. Thank you for being my rock and always supporting me. I adore you and every moment I get to spend with you.

34. To the One Who Fills Me With Pride

When I was a child, I used to dream about the life that I’m living right now with you. What we’ve created together is so magical and everything I ever wanted. I wouldn’t trade any of it. I’m so proud of all that we’ve built and the love we share.

35. To My Imperfect Lover

Every day that we spend together is a day that I can be thankful for. I love learning new things about you. Discovering all of your quirks and imperfections has been my greatest adventure. I love you, flaws and all, and always will.

36. To the One Who Has Been There Through it All

You have been there for me through thick and thin, and for that, I’m so grateful for you. Never have I had someone stick by me through everything. My confidence in you is unwavering, and I know we can make it through anything. I love you to the moon and back.

Cute Love Letters for Him

Consider a sweet letter to a boyfriend that lets him know how much you care while showing your playful side. These cute love letters will make him smile like never before.

37. To My Passionate Lover

One of my favorite things about you is how your eyes light up when you talk about the things you enjoy. Seeing you get so excited is adorable and fills me with joy. I love hearing about your passions and interests because they are what make you so unique.

38. To My Bright-Eyed Lover

Your smile is so bright and one of the best parts of my day. When I get home from work and greet you, your eyes light up, and it’s the cutest thing in the world. Your happiness is contagious. You make me feel so appreciated, and I want you to know I appreciate you, too.

39. To My Best Friend

You are my best friend and the only person I feel like I can be fully myself with. I know I can tell you anything and everything that’s on my mind. You always listen to me and know the right thing to say, and it’s one of my favorite parts about you.

40. To My Safe Space

I love that you can be your most authentic self with me. You are my safe space, and I want to be yours as well. Nothing about you could ever make me stop loving you. You mean so much to me, and that includes all of your flaws.

41. To My Mysterious Lover

Every time I discover something new about you, I feel like a kid on Christmas morning. Unwrapping more and more of who you are is what lights me up inside. I hope to spend the rest of my life learning everything there is to know about you.

42. To the Person I’m Falling in Love With

I find everything about you so endearing – the way you walk and talk, your beautiful eyes and smile, and even the way you make your cup of coffee in the morning. The most simple things about you make me fall more and more in love with you every day.

43. To the One I’m So Lucky to Have

Waking up beside you is my favorite part of the day. I love cuddling with you and being in your arms while the rest of the world is still quiet. It’s in these moments that I find myself wondering how I’m so lucky to have you. What did I do to deserve someone like you?

44. To My Peaceful Lover

I love when you fall asleep before me because I get to watch you in your most relaxed and natural state. Watching you breathe and dream overwhelms my heart with happiness. You always look so peaceful. Even when you start to snore, it’s the cutest thing in the world to me.

45. To the Person in My Favorite Chapter

The beginning of our chapter was so beautiful. It felt almost too good to be true, like the start of a romance novel. Every morning I pinch myself because sometimes I still can’t believe my life with you is real. I can’t wait to write many more chapters with you.

I Miss You Love Letters for Him

Navigating the days without your guy brings a unique set of challenges. These “I miss you” love letters aim to reflect your feelings of longing, with honesty and a tender tone that mirrors your emotions of missing him dearly.

46. To My Faraway Guy

My Love, it feels like you've been gone forever. The house is too quiet without you, and I miss our daily routines. I can't wait until we're back to sharing coffee in the morning and talking about our days at night. I miss you so much.

47. To the One I Miss So Much

Hey, Babe, I hate how empty the bed feels without you. I've been staying up late because I can't seem to fall asleep on my side without you on yours. Everything reminds me of you, and it just makes me miss you more.

48. To the Man I’m Reminded of Daily

Darling, I've been trying to keep busy, but everything I do just reminds me of you. I went to our favorite café yesterday, and it wasn't the same alone. I miss your laugh and the way you make everything more fun.

49. To My Best Friend and Lover

Love, I know we said we could handle the distance, but it's harder than I thought. I miss having you around, hearing about your day, and just seeing your face. Can't wait until you're back and we can catch up on everything.

50. To My Guy Who Smells Yummy

Hey, You! I was doing okay with this long-distance thing until I found your shirt in the laundry. It still smells like you, and it hit me how much I miss you. Just wanted to tell you that.

51. To My Conversation Partner

My Dearest, every time my phone rings, I hope it's you. I miss our conversations and hearing about the little things that happen in your day. It's those small moments I miss the most. Looking forward to your next call.

52. To My Favorite Chef

Honey, I've been trying to cook that recipe we saw together, but it didn't turn out right. It made me realize how much I miss your cooking and your company in the kitchen. Can't wait to mess up more recipes with you.

53. To My Walking Buddy

Sweetheart, I saw a couple at the park today, and it made me miss our walks and talks. It's the simple things like that I miss the most. I'm counting down the days until we can do that again.

54. To My Rock

My Everything, I've been wearing your hoodie because it makes me feel closer to you. It's a small comfort, but I really miss you being here, making me laugh, and just being my rock. Looking forward to having you back.

55. To My Dance Partner

Love, I was listening to our song, and it made me both happy and sad. Happy because it's ours, but sad because you're not here to dance with me in the kitchen. I miss those spontaneous moments with you. Can't wait to create more memories.

How to Write Your Own Love Letters for Him

Crafting a love letter for your boyfriend is a timeless way to express your deepest affections and thoughts. Whether he's just across town or you share the same address, a handwritten note adds a personal touch that digital messages can't match. Here’s how to pour your heart out on paper.

Start With Why You're Writing

Begin by explaining why you felt compelled to write. Maybe you saw something that reminded you of him, or perhaps you just felt an overwhelming sense of love. “I saw a sunset that took my breath away today, and it made me think of you.”

Recall a Special Moment

Think of a moment you shared that felt like a snapshot of pure happiness. Describe it in detail, letting him relive it through your words. “Remember that rainy Sunday we spent in bed with coffee and old movies? That was perfection.”

List the qualities that make him special to you. Be specific about what sets him apart in your eyes. “I love the way you scrunch your nose when you laugh and how passionate you get about your hobbies.”

Acknowledge His Impact on You

Tell him how he's changed your life for the better. Focus on the emotional growth or happiness you've experienced. “Since you've been part of my life, I find myself smiling more, stressing less.”

Dream About Your Future Together

Share your hopes and dreams for the future you envision together. It could be as simple as more lazy Sundays or as grand as adventures abroad. “I can't wait for all the mornings we'll start together and the nights we'll end in each other's arms.”

End With a Promise

Conclude your letter with a promise that underscores your commitment and love. “I promise to always find new reasons to fall in love with you every single day.”

Sign Off With Love

Choose a sign-off that feels right to you, whether it's a simple “I love you,” a playful “Yours forever,” or an intimate “With all my heart.”

A love letter doesn't have to be perfect; it just needs to be honest and from the heart. It's the thought and effort that counts the most.

Final Thoughts

Ensuring your partner feels appreciated is vital for a healthy and loving relationship.

If you have trouble speaking your true feelings out loud, consider writing a love letter for him so that he feels loved and cared for.

You can tweak these love letters to your own unique situation, so your boyfriend knows he is special. He’ll probably cherish your words more than you think!

55 Love Letters to Him to Make Him Cry with Happiness (2024)


How do you write a love letter to him to make him cry? ›

Your love is the guiding light that leads me out of the darkness and into a realm of happiness and peace. From the moment we met, I knew there was something truly special about you. You have captured my heart in a way no one else ever could. I am eternally grateful to have you as my lover, my confidant, and my forever.

What text will make him cry long distance? ›

1 "I can't stop thinking about you." 2 "You make the world a better place." 3 "I'm so thankful you're in my life." 4 "I feel like I can tell you anything."

How can I make him cry with words? ›

Long Paragraphs To Make Him Cry
  1. Sometimes I question whether you realize how much you mean to me. My final thought before going to sleep at night is of you. ...
  2. My love for you will always burn brighter than a thousand suns, unmatched till the end of time. ...
  3. For the rest of my life, I will love you like no one else has.
May 16, 2024

How can I touch his heart with words? ›

Try sending him any of these sweet, emotional love messages listed below to express your love for him as sweetly as you can:
  1. My heart belongs to you. I adore you. ...
  2. I love you like nobody else ever can because you make me feel like the luckiest girl in the world.
  3. All I want to do is cuddle against your chest right now.
May 16, 2024

How do I make him happy emotionally? ›

  1. Compliment him. ...
  2. Tell him you appreciate what he does for you and your family. ...
  3. Make time for things to get hot in the bedroom. ...
  4. Be supportive of his alone time. ...
  5. Put down your phone. ...
  6. When you get something for yourself, get something for him, too. ...
  7. Look him in the eyes.

How to make a man cry for hurting you? ›

Sad messages to make him cry
  1. I will never lie to you because I find it difficult to figure out why you chose to hurt my feelings.
  2. You promised you would never hurt me, yet you managed to do it to me in the worst way possible.
  3. I never wanted you to hurt me. ...
  4. You hurt me, and I cry, but that's not painful.
Dec 5, 2023

How to make a man fall deeply in love with you? ›

Ways for how to make a man fall in love with you
  1. Make him feel like he's needed. ...
  2. Be independent. ...
  3. Show an interest in his passions and hobbies. ...
  4. Mirror him. ...
  5. Don't be afraid to open up. ...
  6. But also maintain some mystery. ...
  7. Initiate physical contact. ...
  8. Be authentic.
Nov 22, 2023

How do you make him miss you emotionally? ›

To make him miss you regardless of the specifics, create some space, control the communication, and use subtle hints like scents, spontaneity, and intentionally "forgotten" possessions to make him think of you when you're not around. Soon enough, your guy should be longing for you and craving that passion again.

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Love Messages for Him
  1. You are my everything, and I am so grateful for your love and support.
  2. You are the sunshine in my life, and I love you more than words can express.
  3. You're my strength, my protector and my hero. ...
  4. Missing your handsome face already.
  5. I love the way you look at me.

What is the sweetest text for him? ›

Sweet Love Messages
  • I used to think no one was perfect, but then I met you.
  • I woke up smiling again this morning and I'm blaming it on you.
  • Whether they're good or bad, I look forward to each and every day knowing it's another one spent with you.
  • The first time I saw you I had this strange feeling.
Jan 25, 2023

What is the most powerful love word? ›

8 phrases that are more powerful than "I love you"
  1. "I need you." Sometimes we feel like dependence on another person is a weakness. ...
  2. "I'll sacrifice for you." ...
  3. "I like you." ...
  4. "I forgive you." ...
  5. "Let me help you." ...
  6. "I am committed to you." ...
  7. "I think about you all the time." ...
  8. "I'd pick you all over again."
Apr 16, 2016

What is a love message to make him feel so special? ›

I love you so much. To the very special man who puts up with everything and still manages to make me laugh, thank you for being you. If life is a game, then you're the only teammate I need! You are the most amazing man I have ever known, and I can't believe that I'm the one who got you.

How to make someone cry with a love letter? ›

Just open your heart and let the words pour out. If you still can't think of an opening line, try writing your letter in the past, present and future format. You can talk about when you first fell in love, how your sweetheart affects your daily life and how excited you are for your future together.

How do you write an emotional love letter? ›

Here are five ways to make a letter a L-O-V-E letter.
  1. ONE: Create a special greeting. ...
  2. TWO: Get specific about your lover's qualities. ...
  3. THREE: Dive into your relationship. ...
  4. FOUR: Share a favorite memory in your love letter. ...
  5. FIVE: Express a hope.
Feb 9, 2022

How do men react to love letters? ›

However, here are some common reactions that individuals might have: Appreciation: Many people appreciate the effort and thoughtfulness behind a handwritten or heartfelt love letter. It can make them feel valued and special. Happiness: Receiving a love letter can bring a sense of joy and happiness.

How do you write a painful love letter? ›

Sad Messages About Love
  1. To love someone with all your heart, and they don't love you back, is the saddest thing in life.
  2. Missing you has become a part of my daily life. ...
  3. Memories are lovely and sad both at a time. ...
  4. Nothing hurts me more than the miles we have between us. ...
  5. Even if loving you hurts, I can't stop doing it.


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Author: Aron Pacocha

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Author information

Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

Address: 3808 Moen Corner, Gorczanyport, FL 67364-2074

Phone: +393457723392

Job: Retail Consultant

Hobby: Jewelry making, Cooking, Gaming, Reading, Juggling, Cabaret, Origami

Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.