100 Romantic Happy Valentine’s Day Message To Your Loved Ones (2024)

What is valentine and happy valentine’s day message can be accessed on The HeraldNG.

Valentine’s Day is celebrated in honor of one or two early Christian martyrs named Saint Valentine and, through later folk traditions, has become a significant cultural, religious, and commercial celebration of romance and love in many regions of the world.

Today being Valentine’s Day 2024, The HeraldNG compiled a great number of valentine messages that will assist you to wish your soulmate a happy Valentine’s day. You can send them as a valentine’s text, or in Valentine’s day card, even with flowers and gifts, the options are many. Scroll down and find the suitable one according to your needs.

Believe it or not, valentine’s day is a special day of the year designed for the celebration of love among couples, friends, family and loved ones. Valentine’s day is all about being funny and friendly through SMS, Tweets and greeting cards.

I know sometimes, finding the right words to tell someone how much they mean to you can be very hard. Whether it is your first Valentine’s Day together or not, this article will help you find the right romantic word to say that will convey your innermost thought to your loved ones.

Mind you, our expression of love doesn’t always have to be expensive. Sweet and sincere words make Valentine’s Day more special than any material thing can do.

Below Are 100 Romantic Happy Valentine’s Day Messages To Your Loved Ones

1. Today is the perfect time to tell you how special and important you are to me because true love is the ultimate experience that many are never so fortunate to find. So glad I found you, Happy Valentine’s Day dear.

2. The only wish I have for Valentine’s Day is for you to hold me in your arms, kiss me, hug me, and love me until the stars stop shining. Happy Valentine’s Day.

3. I love you every moment we spent together, but I want to show more love to you on this special day. Hoping you have the best valentine’s day filled with love and memories. Happy Val dearie.

4. If I were to sit back and watch our love story on a movie screen, it would be certain that it would be my favourite movie ever. Happy Valentine’s Day dearie.

5. If I were to make a thousand wishes this Valentine’s Day, every single one of them would include you. Happy Valentine’s Day.

6. They say dancing under the moonlight is like being in heaven. But I do not need the moon or stars to feel a taste of paradise. Happy Valentine’s day my world best.

7. To me, every moment spent with you is as precious as life itself. Happy Valentine’s Day, my love.

8. Only you hold the key to my heart and on this Valentine’s Day, I will remind you how much you light up my life and fill my heart with love. Happy Valentine’s Day.

9. Nothing can ever give you happiness than the sweet smile of a lover and the thought that you are the reason behind that sweet smile. Happy Valentine’s Day.

10. I love three things, the sun, the moon and YOU. The sun to shine by day, the moon to bright at night and YOU to light my path forever. Happy Valentine’s day.

11. A heart could only love you for a while, feet could walk you some miles, clothes would forever not be vogue, but my love for you will last till the end of time. I care so much about you. Happy Valentine’s Day.

12. The first day I saw you, I was scared to touch you. The first day I touch you, I was scared to kiss you. The first day I kiss you, I was scared to love you. The first day I love you, I was scared to lose you because you mean everything to me. Happy Valentine’s day my dear.

13. Even if I was not your first kiss, date, love or Valentine, I want to be your last and only from here on until the end of time. Happy Valentine’s Day my world best

14. I am 100%, completely, head-over-heels in love with you. Thank you for being the most important person in my life. Happy Valentine’s day my better half.

15. I had been single long enough that Valentine’s Day was just another day but today, it is now a reminder to show you just how much I love you and how much you mean to me. Happy Valentines’s Day my love.

16. I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you. Happy Valentine’s Day dearie.

17. A smile is a charity because it touches the heart, may you have reasons to smile and may you be a reason for others to smile. Happy valentines day my heart.

18. You have given me the whole world through your loving smile and I will love you even beyond when the sun burns out of the sky. Happy Valentine’s Day my world best.

19. 8 spellings, 3 wordings, 1 meaning. I love you. Happy Valentines Day my soulmate, I want you to know you mean the world to me.

20. Every adventure we take, big or small, I do want to share it with the world cause the memories linger so high and unexplainable. I love you my perfect half and I want to wish you Happy Valentine’s day on this special day.

21. Happy Valentine’s Day to my tough manly man who still sometimes cries in sad movies. Despite that, I still love you for who you are and I sincerely love everything about you. Happy Val.

22. Happy Valentine’s Day my love may today be the brightest day in your life and may you see the good of today and forever. I love you.

23. There is absolutely no one I would rather share my heart with on this Valentine’s Day than you! Happy Valentine’s day my king.

24. A smile is a curve that strengthens out a lot of things, I remember your smile this beautiful day and I appreciate God for giving you to me. I love happy valentines day.

25. Valentine’s day is the perfect opportunity for lovers to enjoy and love each other more. So I’m using this medium to say I love you every day, but today you are my special Valentine. Happy Valentine’s Day by better half.

26. May our love last long, longer than the word length can express. May our life together be sweet, sweeter than the word sweet can express. Love you beyond words dear. Happy Valentine’s day.

27. I would travel to the moon and back just to see you smile. I may not always say it but know that I love you with all my heart. Happy Valentine’s Day my mirror.

28. There is no art bigger than the art of love. So as we celebrate this special day I would like to make the love we share stronger and brighter. Happy Valentine’s Day my beloved.

29. When the root of love is in the heart and mind, distance is not a barrier because friends feel each other in their heart. I feel your love so much……Happy Valentine’s day.

30. If you read this text you own me a hug if you delete it you owe me a kiss if you save it you owe me a date, if you return it to me you own me all the above, but if you ignore it you are mine. So what will you do, I love you, dear Happy Val.

31. On this special day, I wish you a happy day full of love and kisses cause your love brought full melodies and sweet memories that linger forever. Happy Valentine’s Day.

32. When it hurts to look back and you are scared to look ahead, just look beside you and I will be there. Love you sugar, Happy Valentine’s day.

33. My world is extra special because the love of my life is the most phenomenal man in the world. Sweet darling, I deeply love everything about you.

34. I couldn’t ask for a more wonderful partner than you. Happy Valentine’s day the woman that painted my world Gold.

35. Loving is not just looking at each other, it is looking in the same direction and achieving the same purpose. Happy valentine’s day my love.

36. I have no flowery words or long lines about how roses are red or how violets are blue. But all I want to tell you is that you mean so much to me, I love you from the dept of my heart. Happy Val.

37. Love is celebrated on a daily basis. Valentine’s day means a special remembrance day. Happy Valentines Day.

38. A relationship is just like pieces of a puzzle, if you lose one it will never be complete again, I just want you to know you are that piece that I can’t afford to lose. You mean a lot to me, dear.

39. Every Moment We’ve Spent Together Has Been Awesome So Far. But I Promise The Best Is Yet To Come. I Love You, Honey Happy Valentine’s Day.

40. You deserve all of me. You deserve my morning, night and noon. You deserve my present and future because you are my very best. Happy Val sweetheart.

41. Life just gets better ever since I met you. Hold me and love me like there is no tomorrow happy valentine’s day my loving angel.

42. Little keys can open big locks, simple words can express great thoughts. A text from you never fails to make me smile the whole day. Happy Valentine’s Day.

43. When you love someone truly, you don’t look for faults, you don’t look for answers, you don’t look for mistakes. Instead, you fight the mistakes, you accept the faults and overlook the excuses and that us you. Happy Val love.

44. I love you from the bottom of my heart and I hate you because I cannot do anything without your support. Happy Valentine’s Day my smile.

45. You are like a romantic song with lovely lyrics. I promise that my love for you will stay like forever. Happy Val Honey.

46. Your love garnishes me with strength, power, and confidence. It gives me the courage to fight all odds and win the battle. Thank you so much for always being there. Happy Valentine’s Day.

47. Your hug is my tablet, your kiss is my injection, your love is my oxygen. If you take them away, it means I’m dead. Honey stay with me forever, I love you dear. Happy Valentine’s day.

48. Life just gets better ever since I met you. Hold me and love me like there is no tomorrow happy valentine’s day my loving angel.

49. Sweetheart, I must confess that the most existing experience of my life is sharing a joyous moment with you and I promise that as long as I live I will care for you and I will love you with all my heart, body and soul. Happy Val.

50. Thank you for showing me what true love is. Happy Valentine’s Day my all-round love.

51. It is a thing of joy being in love with someone who understands what love means and what it takes to be in love. Happy Valentines Day.

52. Love me without any restrictions and feel free to accept who I am. Every single day, I fall in love with you and it would be forever. Happy Valentine’s Day.

53. I’m scared to close my eyes because I think that I will not be able to see you again. I love you that much from the bottom of my heart. Happy Valentine’s Day.

54. We might be separated this Valentine’s Day but distance can never change my love for you. I Love You So Much Love. Happy Valentine’s Day.

55. Every time you hold my hand. I find another reason to fall in love with you. Love you always my Val. Happy Valentine’s Day.

56. A candle may melt and its fire may die, but the love you have given me will always stay as a flame in my heart forever! Happy Valentine’s Day.

57. I would travel to the moon and back just to see you smile. Happy Valentine’s Day dear. I love you and I will always love you.

58. How can you tell the rain not to fall when the cloud exist? How can you tell the leaves not to fall when the wind exist? How can you tell me not to fall in love with you when you exist? I love you till the day after forever. Happy Val love.

59. Colour may fade, the sun may not shine, the moon may not bright, the heartbeat may stop, life may pass but your love I will treasure it until the day my heart stops. Happy Valentine’s day.

60. Happy Valentine’s Day to you my love. Your hug is my tablet, your kiss is my injection, your love is my oxygen and if you take them away that means I’m dead. Honey stay with me forever.

61. Love is celebrated on a daily basis but valentine’s day means a special remembrance day for sharing love. I love you despite. Happy Val.

62. There is night so that we could appreciate day, sorrow so that we could appreciate joy, evil so that we could appreciate good and YOU so that I can appreciate LOVE. Happy Valentine’s Day Love.

63. I have made up my mind to love someone that will give a reasonable meaning to my life and I thank God that I met you. I love you treasure. Happy Valentine’s day.

64. Love is not measured by hugging, kissing, and sex. It is all about trusting, respecting and accepting a person with all your heart in spite of their weakness. I cherish your love, Happy Valentine’s Day.

65. I love you because you are so full of life, you make everything in me come alive. I love the way you stand by me and hold me up when things get tough. Happy Val my angel.

66. Loving you has been my pleasure without measure. I love you till the day after forever. Happy Valentine’s Day.

67. Mouth creates love but the heart keeps love. I keep you in my heart because that is where you belong. Happy Valentine’s day Sweetie.

68. Once upon a time, something happened to me it was the sweetest thing that ever could be, it was the day I met you and fall in love with you. Love.

69. I tried catching a star for you on this special day, but I couldn’t. So I decided to send you a long romantic kiss for you to know I truly cherish what we’ve shared. Happy Val dear.

70. Love is like a cloud, love is like a dream, love is one word and everything in between the word love is a fairytale come true. Cause I found LOVE when I found YOU. Happy Val my charming prince.

71. The night is falling, my heart is calling, I feel so lonely, I need you only. But if you can be my valentine, I will take you instead. Happy Val.

72. I love reading love stories, but honestly, ours is my favourite. Thanks for writing every chapter of our life so romantic. Happy Valentine’s Day Sweetheart.

73. Every single moment that I have spent with you has been awesome. Wishing you the best this Valentine’s period. Happy Val my lady.

74. If I had to choose between loving you and breathing, I would use my last breath to say ‘i love you.’! I love you forever and always. Happy Valentine’s Day

75. Honey, will you be my Valentine…next year? And the year after? And the year after that? Smile! I love You, my cutie angel. Happy Val.

76. The heart is specially made to explore the love of someone that really cares. Caring is about showing love that is why I’m dedicating my heart to you. I love you, my love. Happy Valentine’s Day.

77. Happy Valentine’s day to a special person who fills my life with sweetness and love that cannot be measured. I cross my heart, you will always have a special place in my life. Happy Val love.

78. I don’t know the real meaning of love. But, when I hear your voice I can feel my heart skip a beat. When we are together, it feels like I’m a part of some fairytale. Happy Val.

79. When we met, I knew I wanted to spend every single Valentine’s Day with you. You’re my rock and I don’t know what I’d do without you. Happy Valentine’s Day

80. We have loved each other through good times, rough spots and life’s joys and sorrows. I’m so thankful for that. Happy Valentine’s Day.

Happy Valentine’s Day Messages To Your Lover

81. The more guys I meet, the more I realize that you are the perfect person I could have ever asked for. Happy Valentine’s Day my love!

82. Caring, loving, adorable, intelligent, sweet, and handsome. That is all that I have to say to you darling and I would wait forever to be your girl because you are amazing and I love you! Happy Val.

83. You are the sweetest dreams I ever had and our time apart is the darkest part of my day Can’t wait to see you again. Happy Valentine’s Day my love.

84. I hope to make you smile with this message today, and I hope to remain a reason for your smiles for a long time to come. Happy valentine’s day dear.

85. As long as I’m with you there is no risk that I’m not prepared to take. I love you to the moon and back. Happy Valentine’s Day. My love.

86. Your touch does to me what a pebble does when dropped into the calm waters of a lake. Happy Valentine my better half.

87. Take love, multiply it by infinity and take it to the depths of forever, trust me, you still have only a glimpse of how I feel for you. I love you, dear. Happy Val.

88. If sixty seconds would ever make a minute, and 24 hours would make a day, I want to spend it all with you throughout the year and my life. I am best with you. Happy Val love.

89. It’s has been verified that I have been addicted to your love since I’m madly in love with you. I love you so much. Happy Val.

90. My love, my heart is, and always will be yours. Happy Valentine’s day to my shining light.

91. You took my breath away from the first time I saw you as you’re one unique person. There is no single weary and anguish with you as with you tomorrow is certain. I love you dearly.

92. You are not just a special person, you are more than that. You are my lover, my best friend forever, you’re my inspiration and motivation. I love you so much more than you could ever think.

93. Will you be my Valentine on this special day, cause I have realized that we are perfect together. Love me and never leave me. Happy Valentine’s Day honey.

94. No one tells bed to fly, no one tells dogs to bark, no one tells fishes to swim, no one tells cows to moo, they just do. Just like no one tells me to love you, I just do. I love you my heart. Happy Valentine’s Day.

95. You must be a thief because you stole my heart, you must be a thief because you keep running through my mind and maybe I’m a bad shooter because I keep MISSING U. Happy Valentine’s Day my love.

96. I think love is not blind. Love sees more because I have experienced it from you. Your love taught me that love is an eye-opener that made me see the beautiful future that lies ahead. Happy Val love.

97. The only remedy to my bad day is your hugs and kisses. I love you twice as much. Happy Valentine’s day love.

98. Your smile is the biggest treasure that I could ever have and your love is all I need to live. Happy Valentine’s Day.

99. I hide my tears when I say your name but the pain in my heart is still the same. Although I smile and seen carefree by friends but no one misses you more than I do. I love you my Val.

100. I am so fortunate to call someone like you “My Valentine” because you are everything I have ever dreamed of in a boyfriend and more. Happy Valentine’s Day

100 Romantic Happy Valentine’s Day Message To Your Loved Ones (2024)


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Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

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Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.